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Gaming Business Association asks everybody concerned with maintaining of civilized gaming business in Russia for cooperation

Moscow police close another casino

Moscow police said Friday they have closed the fourth casino, which is allegedly owned by Georgian mafia.

Kosmos is the fourth casino closed against the backdrop of tensions between Russia and Georgia over alleged spying by Russian military officers stationed in the South Caucasus nation.

The Golden Palace Weekend casino, the Kristal and the Golden Palace casinos, which the Interior Ministry said are controlled by Georgian crime bosses, were shut down for numerous violations of the tax code on October 3, 4 and 5.

Anzhela Kastoyeva, a spokesman for the Interior Ministry, said: "An inspection was held at the [Kosmos] casino yesterday, which revealed a number of violations."

She said sanitary-epidemiological norms were violated at the casino, which also sold fake alcohol and kept personal files on regular customers.

The Moscow police are also checking the Sol casino for its involvement in a Georgian criminal gang. The casino may be closed following the results of the inspection.

Earlier Friday, the Moscow police closed two Georgian restaurants, Tiflissky Dvorik and Genatsvale VIP.

Tensions between Russia and Georgia have escalated in recent days over alleged spying by Russian military officers stationed in the South Caucasus nation. Russia shut down transport and postal links with Georgia Monday, and several senior Russian politicians have demanded economic sanctions and other measures against the country.

Moscow also hinted it might suspend banking operations and money transfers between the two countries as a way of stopping illegal capital flows, which it said are ultimately used for the militarization of the region.

RIA Novosti

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