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Erschienen ist das Buch über die Geschichte der Geschicklichkeits-und Glücksspiele in der UdSSR ->
Ukazała się książka o historii gier komercyjnych i hazardowych w ZSRR ->
Azardul în Uniunea Sovietică ->
L’histoire des jeux d’hasard à l’époque de l’Union Soviétique est enfin publiée! ->
New book about gambling, lottery and cards in the USSR ->
Gambling and lotteries in the USSR ->
Clearly Focused on the Future – 2nd Balkan Entertainment & Gaming Expo ->
Poker league faces closure ->
Russian official wants to crack down on online gambling ->
The Opening of Storm International’s X.O. Casino in Bishkek ->

All news




Gaming Business Association asks everybody concerned with maintaining of civilized gaming business in Russia for cooperation

Welcoming speech

Dear friends and colleagues!

I am glad to meet members and visitors of the ADIB (Gaming Business Association) web-site.

This web site was created for representatives of game communities, funds, government bodies — all people, which are united by joint responsability for developing of russian segment of worldwide casino-entertainment industry, all worshipers of the Game.

Activity aimed to organize and hold gaming and bets rushed into our life 17 years ago, it became one of the basis of Russian casino-entertainment industry, every day commercilzing new technologies and leasure activities' fields.

ADIB was found in 1992. It is the oldest public community of gaming business enterpreniouses. And we are glad that this modern internet-portal, imforming of all periods in USSR and Russia gaming business is created on the base of our Association.

Assosiation hopes that this web-site will be an important point in its development , will promote mutual understanding amoung members of gaming community, will help to find answers on questions of our intrest, to meet intresting people, to work out joined the methods of promblem-solving. There is an on-line journal «Game business digest», were we are to publish the most intresting materials of games and bets world. Besides, there is a newly introduced column named «Calalogue» that will provide an opportunity to members to inform all internet-users of all services, discounts, granting to consumers, upcoming actions in on-line mode. I wish a productive work to the web-site, and all the best to it's members.

Faithfully yours.

The President of ADIB,

Igor' Ballo

ADIB’s news

Moscow's Casinos Go All-InOn Poker ->
Nella monografia affrontate evoluzioni storiche e attuale quadro normativo dei paesi dell'ex Unione Sovietica ->
A Bet on the President ->
Interview at MyCasCom with Evgeny Kovtun. ->
The first English-language edition of Evgeny Kovtun’s book “Legal regulation of gambling in former USSR countries” ->
Igor Ballo: Law is always better than lawlessness ->

All news


Association    |    Law    |    CLUB

ADIB (Gaming Business Association)
119313, Moscow, Leninsky prospect, 86, office 2
For press: +7 (903) 578-61-20. E-mail: info@adib92.ru
Use of materials of the site is possible only at the written approval of editorial board ADIB92.RU