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Gaming Business Association asks everybody concerned with maintaining of civilized gaming business in Russia for cooperation

Regulation of the Government of the Russian Federation of 15 July 2002 # 525



NO. 525 OF JULY 15, 2002



See the Reference on the Rules of Licensing the Specific Kinds of


Government of the Russian Federation hereby resolves:

To approve the attached Regulations on Licensing of Activities

on Organisation and Running of Totalizators and Gambling


Chairman of the Government

of the Russian Federation M. Kasyanov


on Licensing the Activities on Organisation and Running

of Totalizators and Gambling Facilities

(approved by Decision of the Government of the Russian


No. 525 of January 15, 2002)

1. The present Regulations define the procedure of licensing

the activities on organisation and running of totalizators

(intermediary activities of legal entities and individual

entrepreneurs on organization of acceptation of bets from

participants of mutual bets and paying off the prizes) and gambling

facilities, including the bookmaking organizations (bookmakers),

being the organizers - participants of risk-based gambling games.

2. The State Committee for Physical Culture and Sports of the

Russian Federation (hereinafter referred to as "licensing body")

shall carry out the licensing the activities on organisation and

running of totalizators and gambling facilities shall be carried


3. Validity of the license on conducting activities on

organisation and running of totalizators and gambling facilities

(hereinafter referred to as "the license") is 5 years.

4. License requirements and conditions while conducting

activities on organisation and running of totalizators and gambling

facilities are the following:

a) completing the staffs of totalizators and gambling

facilities with employees not younger than 18 years old;

b) Totalizators and gambling facilities may not be placed in

the living premises, in the buildings of functioning educational

and medical institutions, and also in the buildings and premises of

the organizations which are engaged in the activities of worship

and other religious activities;

c) at least a three-year work record in the sphere of gambling

business at the chief (one of the chiefs) of the totalizator or

gambling facility

d) availability at a gambling facility a document confirming

conformity of the gaming slot machines with monetary or other prize

used by the gambling facility with the authorized type of gaming

slot machines;

e) creating conditions for personal safety of mutual betting

participants, players and visitors of the totalizator and gambling


f) observance of rules of the organization of mutual bets and

risk-based gambling games, approved in a statutory manner by a


5. To obtain a license the contender for license shall submit

to a licensor the following documents:

a) an application for issuing the license with the indication


the name and a legal-organizational form of the legal entity,

the place of location for the legal entity;

surname, name, a patronymic name, place of residence, data of

the document certifying the person - for an individual


licensed activities, which the legal entity or the individual

entrepreneur are going to exercise, and the place of location of

the totalizator and/or the gambling facility;

b) the copies of constituent documents and certificate on the

state registration of the contender for license as a legal entity

(with the presentation of the originals if they are not certified

by a notary) - for a legal entity;

c) a copy of the certificate of state registration of a citizen

as an individual entrepreneur (with presentation of the original if

the copy is not verified by a notary) - for an individual


d) a copy of the certificate verifying the delivery of the

licensee's accounts to the tax authority (with presentation of the

original if the copy is not verified by a notary);

e) a document confirming payment of the license fee by the

licensor for consideration of the application for granting the


f) an information on qualification of the employees of the

contender for license.

6. The licensor shall decide to issue or refuse to issue a

license within 60 days from the date of receiving the application

for granting the license with all the necessary documents. The

licensor while issuing the license shall have the right to

scrutinize the conformity of the contender for license to the

license requirements and terms.

7. Checks of the fulfillment by the licensee of the licensing

requirements and terms shall be carried out on the grounds of the

licensing body's instruction, which shall define the licensee, the

time period of the check and the composition of the commission,

conducting the check. An act with indication of concrete

infringements shall be drawn up by results of the check, to be

signed by all members of the commission. The licensee shall be

familiarized with results of the check, And a corresponding note

about the fact of his familiarizing shall be made in the act If the

licensee disagrees with results of the check, he has the right to

state his opinion, which shall be appended to the act of the check.

If the event the licensee refuses to familiarize him with results

of the check the members of the commission shall reflect the fact

in the act and certify it with their signatures.

The time period for conducting the check on removal of the

infringements by the licensee, which led to suspension of the

license validity, shall not exceed 15 days from the date of

receiving from the licensee a notice on elimination of the said


8. The licensor shall conducts a register of licenses, which

specifies the following:

a) the licensor's name;

b) licensed activities;

c) an information about the licensee with the indication of his

code in the All-Russian Classification of Enterprises and

Organizations and the taxpayer's identification number:

the name, the location (with the indication of detached

divisions locations), location of the premise used for exercising

the licensed activities, - for a legal entity;

surname, name, patronymic name, place of residence, data of the

personal identification document, location of premise, which will

be used for exercising the licensed activities - for an individual


d) a list of game equipment established in the gambling

facility with the indication of its number and the manufacturer;

e) the number of the license and the date when the decision was

taken on issuing the license;

f) term of validity of the license;

g) data on registration of the license in the register of


h) the grounds and the dates of the license suspension and


i) the grounds and the date of the license cancellation.

9. The licensor shall take decisions on issuing,

reregistration, suspension and renewal of the validity,

cancellation of the license, issuance of duplicates of the license,

and also collection of license fees as defined by the Federal Law

on Licensing Specific Types of Activity.


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For press: +7 (903) 578-61-20. E-mail: info@adib92.ru
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