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Erschienen ist das Buch über die Geschichte der Geschicklichkeits-und Glücksspiele in der UdSSR ->
Ukazała się książka o historii gier komercyjnych i hazardowych w ZSRR ->
Azardul în Uniunea Sovietică ->
L’histoire des jeux d’hasard à l’époque de l’Union Soviétique est enfin publiée! ->
New book about gambling, lottery and cards in the USSR ->
Gambling and lotteries in the USSR ->
Clearly Focused on the Future – 2nd Balkan Entertainment & Gaming Expo ->
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Gaming Business Association asks everybody concerned with maintaining of civilized gaming business in Russia for cooperation

Looking into the future – Balkan Entertainment & Gaming Expo (BEGE) and the first Eastern European Gaming Summit (EEGS)

The 1st Balkan Entertainment & Gaming Expo (BEGE 2008) will take place on 30 September – 2 October at Expo Convention Center in Sofia, Bulgaria. The exposition covers more than 5000 sq. meters of trade show area with more than 60 exhibitors, where visitors will meet the latest trends and developments, presented by the international and local leaders in the gaming, entertainment and tourism industry, including: WMS, Casino Technology, Gold Club, Aristocrat, TCS – John Huxley, MEI, SUZO, Alfastreet and others. A lot of companies will participate in the entertainment section of the Exhibition - JPL, Golden Game, Synot W and many others.

Parallel with the trade show will be the 1st Eastern European Gaming Summit (EEGS) allowing visitors to enjoy all the benefits of both the trade exposition and seminars. There will be presented and discussed major topics of the day related to the regulatory framework, as well as the development of the business environment, the implementation of new technologies in the industry and trends in that field.

Both events are initiative of the Bulgarian Trade Association of the Manufacturers and Operators in the Gaming Industry, which is the main representative organization for the companies producing gaming equipment or operating gambling facilities in Bulgaria. The patron of the event is the State Commission on Gambling in Bulgaria. Official supporters of the conference are Spectrum Gaming Group and Slot Academy. The speakers will feature some of the most prominent people in the gaming industry today, such as Mr. Eduardo Antoja - Honorary President of EUROMAT, Mr. Rene Lindsen - European & African Sales Director of Global Gaming Business Magazine, senior representatives of Nevada Tourism Alliance, Gaming Laboratories International, International American Gaming Association (IAGA), representatives of Gaming boards from more than 10 countries, representatives of some of the most prominent casinos as well as a range of official representatives of Bulgarian state institutions, including Ministry of Finance, Ministry of Economy, Bulgarian National Tourism Board, Bulgarian Institute of Metrology, Bulgarian Hotel and Restaurant association and Bulgarian Gaming Associations. The organization of these events in Bulgaria aims to present to the global audience, the advantages and the unique features of the Balkan region, revealing its huge potential for development of gaming and entertainment business. The exhibition is also an exciting opportunity for anyone in the industry to visit Bulgaria. Similar events have been organized in various places in the world. Most of them have gained huge popularity, becoming the places for the industry to meet and track the global tendencies and being there is always a matter of prestige and keeping with the latest developments in the industry. The ambition of the organizers is to make BEGE Expo an important regional event in the year-plan of the leaders of the gaming industry around the world.

Detailed information about the events is available at www.balkangamingexpo.com and www.eegamingsummit.com.

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