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Gaming Business Association asks everybody concerned with maintaining of civilized gaming business in Russia for cooperation

Seven per span

According to unofficial sources, five Russian and two foreign companies will be allowed to take part in the tender. The winning bidders will be named on July 11th of the current year. Gaming business representatives who have refused to bid explain their refusal by the fact that the conditions of the tender suggested by the organizers are unacceptable for them – the regional administration would take almost no obligations, shifting all risks to investors.

In the Department of Investments and Project Support, the „Ú“ was informed that the tender refers to the land plots located within the area of primary development of Kuban`s part of the zone, where gambling facilities will be able to start operation after July 1st of the following year. The regional authorities more than once emphasized that, should there be no clarity with regards to the federal funding of the 1-thousand hectare zone, the regional budget will allot sources for developing communications in the “pilot area” of a smaller size. Five land plots with the area from 1.8 to 18.4 hectares, about 26.2 hectares in total, are presented for the bidding.

The department would not disclose the names of the companies allowed to take part in the tender. As the „Ú“ found out from unofficial sources, the bidders are five Russian and two foreign companies. Some time ago the regional administration announced that Austrian companies – ASATI (a manufacturer of air-inflated and air-supported constructions — the „Ú“) and Casinos Austria might invest in the project. The agreement on co-operation with Casinos Austria was made by the administration in Krasnodar on May 30th this year. However, neither the amounts of investments nor the terms and the forms of Casinos Austria`s participation in “Azov City” project are specified in the agreement.

The head of Casinos Austria`s New Business and Strategy Department Reinhardt Bernkop-Schnurkh refrained from commenting on the company`s participation in the gaming zone project, having limited himself by general words on the interest of Austrian gaming business in collaboration with the Russian party. President of ASATI Alex Cohen confirmed to the „Ú“ that his company is taking part in the tender, planning to erect buildings within “Azov City” according to new technologies due to which the construction period can be reduced,

“We do not doubt our capacity of short-term construction. Another matter is who these venues may be leased or sold to – according to our data, the gaming business would not enter the project,” shared his doubts Mr Cohen.

The information of President of Regional Gambling Operators` Association in South Federal District Michail Bartnik proves that large players of the Russian market did not apply for participation in the tender on “Azov City” plots as they doubt the feasibility of the project.

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