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Gaming Business Association asks everybody concerned with maintaining of civilized gaming business in Russia for cooperation

Gaming zones might not be born

The future is pictured in hopelessly flat tones: private investors are not that willing to invest money in the zones, the federal budget does not anticipate these expenses, and owners of gambling facilities confess that they do not have so huge amounts at their disposal. All in all it will take about $26 billion of private capital to develop the four zones (Primorie, Altay and Kaliningrad regions and the zone on the border between Rostov and Krasnodar regions). The local authorities still hope that the state budget will allocate a billion per zone.

An indirect proof of the fact that the gaming business will remain where it is now, and that no zones will be built, is a proposal submitted to Alexey Kudrin as early as in March by Alexander Shokhin, President of Russian Association of Manufacturers and Entrepreneurs. The essence of the proposal is to refuse from the relocation of gambling facilities to the zones and to ling this industry with the industry of tourism, to put it easier, to allow casinos at hotels.

By the way, the other day it appeared that instead of the gaming zone on Russkiy Island they will develop the Far East Federal University and Scientific Park of the Far East Department of the Russian Academy of Science.

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