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Gaming Business Association asks everybody concerned with maintaining of civilized gaming business in Russia for cooperation

Proposal to include Kamskiye Polyany in federal list of gaming zones

At the session of Tatarstan Republic Municipal Units Council presidium which took place in Kazan one of these days, the head of Kamskiye Polyany municipal unit Igor Privalov appealed to his colleagues with a request to support the municipal initiative on petitioning the RF government for including Kamskiye Polyany in the list of the territories, specified by the federal law, where gambling organization and arrangement is permitted, by amending the current Federal Law “On state regulation of activities involved in gambling organization and arrangement and on amending some of the RF legislative acts”.

According to the regulations, Municipal Units Council may appeal to Tatarstan Republic Cabinet with a request for the government to put forward a corresponding legislative initiative to the State Council of the Republic, which, in its turn, will appeal to the State Duma of the Russian Federation.

The appeal of Kamslye Polyany`s head may be grounded on the current situation in four federal would-be gaming “reservations”. It is apparent that creating full-value gaming industry from scratch needs billions of investment. And the federal territories have a little more than a year left for assimilation. Meanwhile the “first stone” has already been laid on the site of Kamskiye Polyany, and with quite a success.

At present 9 gambling facilities are registered in the specially allocated zone within Kamskiye Polyany. 6 of them are operating, with 20 gaming tables and about 600 slot machines. The remaining ones are reconstructing their venues. According to the unofficial statistical data, gambling properties are visited by 500-600 people daily. The geography of visitors is not limited with the republic of Tatarstan: there are visitors from Bashkortostan and Udmurtia, from Kirov, Samara, Ulianovsk and Nizhny Novgorod regions, and from other parts of Russia.

In total, gaming companies have already invested over 280 million rubles in Kamskiye Polyany`s site. Largest domestic gambling operators, such as “Jack Pot”, “Million”, “Vulcan”, show active interest in Kamskiye Polyany. For the first quarter of 2008 only, tax revenues of the republican budget from the municipal unit`s gambling facilities accounted for about 25 million rubles. A half of these revenues, according to the order made by the RT State Council on amending the law on budget 2008, were sent from the republican treasury to the budget of Kamskiye Polyany. These funds will be invested in developing the area, mainly in the social sphere.

Kamskiye Polyany`s gambling facilities employ over 200 local residents, and this figure is expected to increase up to 500 people. The level of their salary is higher than the town average. Croupier School has been open at the gambling facilities. The gambling operators take responsibility for some social matters. They equip children`s playgrounds in the yards of Kamsiye Polyany`s residential buildings, provide considerable support in holding the town events, make contributions to cultural facilities, and help disadvantaged groups.

In its turn, the municipal unit of Kamskiye Polyany, according to Igor Privalov, has all the required conditions for extension and development of the gaming zone. These factors include favourable geographic location, clear and understandable rules of land and property relations, quite low cadastre cost of land plots, engineering infrastructure available, opportunities of privileged technical connection with power supply, labouor resources as well as real prospects for setting up a tourist and recreation complex within Kamskiye Polyany to match the gaming and entertainment industry.

The members of Municipal Units` Council presidium approved and supported the initiative of their colleague, reports “Tatar-Inform”.

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