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Gaming Business Association asks everybody concerned with maintaining of civilized gaming business in Russia for cooperation

By 2022, “Azov City” to generate about 200 bn rubles for budget

The implementation of “Azov City” gaming zone project will be able to generate 198.5 bn rubles for budgets of various levels. According to “Yuzhny Region” IA, it is said in the complex research by “Unicom Consulting” BDO, which made a complex evaluation of gaming zone construction feasibility.

The research materials state that such an amount of tax revenues can be expected in the best-case scenario of “Azov City” development. This scenario means laying a 45.5 bn rubles speedway (at the expense of the federal budget) to the zone, which will make it possible to attract 2727 thousand tourists to “Azov City” annually. In this event the net profit of private investors will have reached 140 bn rubles by 2022.

According to the worst-case scenario, the zone will be visited by 1011 thousand tourists a year, the net profit of private investors will have reached 29.7 bn rubles by 2022, which will result in the amount of tax revenues of 74 bn rubles.

The research emphasizes that the Southern Gaming Zone “is unique and has no analogues among the four international gaming zones under consideration, as only here the land is under the state control, and the very gaming zone is located within the area of two constituent territories of the RF”. At the same time the experts note that the location of “Azov City” requires additional effort for involvement of private investments. They also draw attention to the caution shown by international gambling operators with regards to investments in the RF gaming business.

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