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Gaming Business Association asks everybody concerned with maintaining of civilized gaming business in Russia for cooperation

Khakassia asks federal centre to share gambling revenues

Khakassia must get revenues from gaming business even after no casinos and slot machines are left in the republic. It was the conclusion reached by the Supreme Council.

The law on gaming zones was passed on the federal level. And governments of many regions supported the decision believing that it would be useful for the moral health of the nation.

However, should gambling facilities be relocated to the special zones, regions will lose millions of rubles in tax revenues. All revenues generated from gambling will go to the federal centre. Therefore the constituent territories of the Federation suggested that the centre should share gambling taxes with them. In such a way they would make up for the losses from relocating casinos to the special zones.

TV-7 channel reports that Khakassia will lose dozens million rubles from the closure of gambling facilities. It is still to be determined how much exactly: everything depends on the tax collectability. The only thing known are the estimated terms of getting cash.

Therefore the deputies of Khakassia`s Parliament submitted a legislative initiative to Moscow – on sharing gambling revenues among all the country`s regions.

Should the bill be passed, the republic will receive its first cash in the middle of the next year

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