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Gaming Business Association asks everybody concerned with maintaining of civilized gaming business in Russia for cooperation

Risk without any danger

A briefer variant of an interview with Evgeny Kovtun, the the Editor-in-Chief of the magazine “The World of Games” was published in ….. issue of the news-paper “An Interlocutor”. Here follows the whole interview.

The history of gambling in Russia originated in the tzar’s era when gambling was a part of leisure time, a lifestyle with its inherent culture. For the last decade after many years of oblivion the gambling industry has been coming back to this country. What do you think about the culture of gambling in modern Russia?

Unfortunately, nowadays we can not speak about any culture since Russian gambling is deprived of it. It does not mean that Russia is indifferent to the gaming business, gambling and bets. The majority of businessmen who own slot machines and gambling houses, as well as operate and manufacture, do not take into consideration the former game concept, its present state and its future prospects. They regard the field of gambling only as a source of income. And today this business in Russia does not have anything in common with culture.

In this country only a few people study the history of gambling and the culture that accompanied the game: be it an entertainment for the Court, officers or ordinary people. Before the revolution gambling in Russia had not been conceived without that culture framing. However, in the Soviet period it was wiped out. And nowadays after almost a century the lost gambling culture should return to the society: to gamblers themselves, to owners, managers and personnel of gambling houses. In my opinion, the revival of the gambling traditions should begin in consultancies that recently have appeared in Russia. They provide comprehensive training to the staff with regard to the gambling houses operation, taxation legislation and marketing. And I think that apart from professional, organizational and technical issues the history of gambling and bets also deserves attention. This course should be taught by highly qualified specialists in history who have studied this field. Another thing is that at present there are only a few such people in Russia. But on condition that the teaching process is well-organized even this small number of specialists will be able to significantly increase the general culture of the personnel working in modern gambling houses. Unfortunately, now accidental people are working there. They do not have a clear idea of the gambling phenomenon even nationalwide to say nothing about worldwide.

Nowadays they say about transfer of the education in the gambling industry into the jurisdiction of the state and about creation of special teaching establishments. In case these projects are fulfilled, first of all, to my mind, a course of lectures on the history of the gambling culture in Russia and abroad needs to be organized. It should be an introductory course before seminars on special disciplines so that future croupiers, slot machines operators, managers and accountants could fully understand the field they have decided to dedicate themselves to.

In addition to lectures and various teaching programs there are other ways to acquaint the public with the culture of gambling and bets. What can you say about literature and exhibitions in this field?

Different exhibitions are organized in Russia from time to time. Exhibition “Game and passion in Russian fine arts” – that took place in 1999-2000 in St. Petersburg Russian Museum and then in Moscow – was one of the greatest ones. Apart from art objects themselves, rare collection cards and gambling accessories were exhibited. A special music accompaniment, fragments from films related to the gambling theme and a French roulette free for everyone – all that let the visitors feel the atmosphere of the time when gambling was a unique world, not a mere way to snatch a large sum of money. At that time a catalogue containing copies of more or less familiar to the general public pictures, graphics and drawings was published. In order to inculcate in the public the gambling culture a permanent exposition is required. Though nowadays there is no any special gambling museum in Russia, some professionals studying the history of gambling and card collections hope to open such a museum on the basis of Russian Museum in St. Petersburg. Also, we would like to open a museum of Russian slot machines. Such museums exist in the USA and Europe. And I do not see any obstacle to their creation in this country. Taking into account that nowadays about 500 thousand people are working in Russian gambling industry and even a larger number of people is related to this field to some extent, one can be sure that this museum will find its visitors. However, at present a museum of cards, gambling furnish, various accessories, rare books on rules and gambling etiquette, and finally of slot machines is only a dream since it will be absolutely unprofitable venture.

As for the books on gambling and bets, their number in Russia is also not great. For the last years about 10 books on taxation and legislation have been published, but the majority of them are of rather low quality. There is only one highly respectable author – Dmitry Lesnoy, who has written two fabulous books: “A Gambling Encyclopedia” and “The History of Preference”. They are real best-sellers in Russian industry of gambling and bets. Whereas “The History of Preference” has experts on this very game as its target readers, everyone who studies the gambling industry and works in it should buy “A Gambling Encyclopedia” and read it just once. I’m happy that this very important for Russia book is experiencing its second birth and going to be republished with a participation of the magazine “The World of Games”.

In foreign countries the situation with such literature is much better. In the States, for example, a great number of books dedicated to gambling and bets (from poker rules – to stories about gambling culture itself) appear on a monthly basis. Unfortunately, there is a lot of amateurish literature of low quality among them. But the amount of the literature lets choose one or two books per month that are worth reading, studying and comprehending. The same situation is observed in France where a lot of literature about the history of gambling is sold. The most pleasant thing for me is that apart form special literature a lot of belles-lettres with gambling and bets being parts of their plots are published. Britain is also well-supplied by such books. As for Spain and Germany, I have not seen anything really interesting there.

Do you think there is any point in establishing the gambling culture in Russia? The attitude of the majority of the population towards gambling is neutral or even negative. And visitors of gambling houses do not ask themselves what the person, who invented the first pack of playing-cards, was and when it happened.

It would be a mistake to think that our population’s attitude towards gambling is negative. Every Russian family has a pack of playing-cards, to say nothing about dominoes, backgammon and other games. People not only in this country but all-over-the-world played them yesterday, are playing today and will keep playing tomorrow. Inclination to gaming is inherent in each of us. It is not only cards or dice, but a lifestyle, a part of our life. It is obvious that there are many differences between just gaming and gambling. Changing of a gambler’s welfare during the game can be regarded as one of them. In my opinion, it explains why gambling is loved by some people and hated by others.

Nowadays activities concerning organization of gambling in Russia are rapidly developing. It has already led to an increase in standards applied to gambling houses and casinos as well as to Russian and foreign equipment. Much of what we have in this country you will not be able to find in the best gambling houses in Europe. However, it does not presuppose the same rapid increase in the education level of those who work in this field and consume these services.

In Russia the gambling culture should be established among casinos personnel and owners, gamblers as well as among those who are in control of this business. Just because of lack of this culture a spontaneous propaganda against gambling has been mounted in our society. According to it, gambling is undoubtedly harmful and can result in a new disease – ludomania.

People should be aware of the fact that gambling is just some kind of entertainment as going to the cinema, a discotheque, a restaurant or bowling. We come to gambling houses and casinos not to earn money but to have fun. Unfortunately, a lot of enlightening work should be done to break this prejudice.

What measures in your opinion can help form the same attitude towards gambling as in the States, France or Spain?

First of all, the personnel should be certified in a state university. Now I can not say exactly in which one. It will depend on the proposed and chosen teaching methods. One of the crucial moments is the proper academic staff. The number of people capable of competent explanation and teaching is not great. And we should not only find and invite them but also interest in teaching.

However, before reforming the education system in the gambling industry, we should clarify all the issues concerning the Law “About gambling and bets”. Without it increase in the services provided by gambling houses becomes problematic. On condition that the specialists have chosen the right approach, the above mentioned prospects can be reached in the nearest two or three years. I am positive, that a generator and an executive of these goals can be Russian Association “The World of Games”. Its main aims are establishing of the culture of gambling and bets in Russia, scientific coverage of the industry problems, comprehensive studying and summarizing of other countries’ progressive experience. Our principle goal is to achieve increase in public respect towards the industry, to come to a new level of relationships inside the business and to form Russian culture of gambling and bets. A lot of these aspects are covered in the Association’s periodical – the magazine “The World of Games”. I am its Editor-in-Chief. I am convinced that the organization whose activities are based on such a programme will be able to reform Russian gambling industry quickly and successfully.

Thank you very much for the interesting conversation. We wish you good luck in achievement of your goals.

The interview was held by Olga Zharkovskaya

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