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Gaming Business Association asks everybody concerned with maintaining of civilized gaming business in Russia for cooperation

"Sibirskaya Moneta” to be given to good hands

The borders of the gaming zone in Altay region may be confirmed by the end of 2007, according to Mikhail Shchetinin, Vice-Governor, head of Central Administration of Economics and Investments of the region. He said that a large potential investor from Austria would come to have a look at the area soon.

Let us remind you that initially the gaming zone named “Sibirskaya Moneta” was planned to be located in Smolenski district, near the village of Solonovka. Then the rumour had it that the gaming zone could be relocated from Altay to another region. In November, it was announced that “Sibirskaya Moneta” would remain in the region but be placed in Altaisk district.

The reason for relocating the place for the project to be implemented is saving budget funds: a special economic zone of tourism and recreation type is being planned in Altaisk region, therefore it will be easier to arrange a common transport and power complex for the two zones there.

“The gaming zone is all right,” said Michail Shchetinin. I believe it will be there, and it will be in good hands, its prospects are pretty good. Together with President`s plenipotentiary Anatoliy Kvashnin, we have had negotiations with an Austrian company – it is really interested in Altay region and gaming business in it. In December we are expecting a group of experts from Austria, they will present the vision of the company management, and in January the company managers might come. If they prefer to develop the area independently (and they are able to do it), we would not mind. It is to a certain extent convenient for the regional administration – you can always come to an understanding with one investor. The more investors there are, the more complicated it is, but we are ready to work according to this option as well as according to the afore-mentioned.

“Altapress” Publishing House

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