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Erschienen ist das Buch über die Geschichte der Geschicklichkeits-und Glücksspiele in der UdSSR ->
Ukazała się książka o historii gier komercyjnych i hazardowych w ZSRR ->
Azardul în Uniunea Sovietică ->
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New book about gambling, lottery and cards in the USSR ->
Gambling and lotteries in the USSR ->
Clearly Focused on the Future – 2nd Balkan Entertainment & Gaming Expo ->
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Gaming Business Association asks everybody concerned with maintaining of civilized gaming business in Russia for cooperation

Goodbye, Solonovka!

As the "VD" has already reported, the "Sibirskaya Moneta" gaming zone will most probably not be located in Smolenski district, near the village of Solonovka. The fact that other options are being considered was admitted last week in Chief Administration of Economics and Investments (CAEI) of Altay region. And the authorities of Altaisk district, where the local Las-Vegas will most likely be relocated to, are making a passport of the gaming zone, according to the "VD".

On November 13th, CAEI press-service made am announcement which, in particular, says: "As it has been reported before, it was planned to locate the gaming zone in Smilenski district, but today other options are also being considered, more cost-efficient from the economic viewpoint". Actually, the fact that the location of the zone in Smolenski region is a too expensive project is the main stumbling block for its implementation. According to the experts, bringing inftastructure - at least a gas pipeline and a high-voltage power line - to that remote land plot near Solonovka would be much in excess of the proposed investments in the amount of 13 billion rubles.

The most likely successor for "Sibirskaya Moneta" can be Altaisk district. The "VD" sources say that the local authorities has started drawing up project documents - a kind of an application for locating the gaming zone, grounds for why and where it can be placed. The key argument for Altaisk region is an expected good infrastructure within the development of another zone - tourist and recreation one. The experts are positive about the gaming zone to appear there.

"Altapress" Publishing House materials

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