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Gaming Business Association asks everybody concerned with maintaining of civilized gaming business in Russia for cooperation

Rostov region entertainment industry spokesman criticizes the draft on banning gaming business within the region

As IA REGNUM reported before, the introduction of the bill at yesterday`s LA session aroused a heated discussion of the session participants – not only of the deputies but also of the regional executive power heads.

In particular, the bill suggests banning activities involved in gambling organization and arrangement within Rostov region fro January 1st, 2008, i.e. a year before the relevant federal ruling comes into effect.

At the IA REGNUM correspondent`s request, the head of Gambling Operators Association of Southern Federal District Nickolay Oganezov shared his opinion about the issue. He believes that the decision made by the deputies is economically unreasonable and hasty.

In his comment, he said, “The key argument of the initiator of the bill – Sergey Petlyakov from “Edinaya Rossiya” – is based on the fact that similar bills have been adopted in the first reading in 30 of the RF constituent territories. The explanatory note to the bill does not include any economic analysis, it does not reflect social consequences of the sudden unemployment of 15 000 people involved in the industry.

It is absolutely unreasonable: before the New Year the LA deputies addressed the State Duma with the proposal to place a gaming zone in Rostov region, and a bit later they are completely banning gaming business.

It should be mentioned that Petlyakov`s draft was introduced on June 4th, and it was considered at the LA session as soon as on June 6th. Meanwhile the draft has not been considered by any of the LA committees, it has not received the conclusion of the Rostov region administration and other concerned authorities, and besides it has been adopted with serious violations of the LA agenda.

Unfortunately, their target being preparation for the coming parliament elections to the State Duma, our deputies are ignoring the interests of the region and of their voters, but are only occupied with their own pre-election PR.

It was only the balanced position of Rostov region Governor V.F. Chub and Minister of Economics V.E. Deryabkin that did not let the deputies pass the law in two readings at once. Governor remarked that gaming business should acquire a civilized shape, and cardinal measures must be taken no sooner than the destiny of 15 000 industry employees is taken into account.

The deputies decided to set up a working group to base on the opinion of Rostov region administration and prepare relevant proposals to the second reading.”


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