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Gaming Business Association asks everybody concerned with maintaining of civilized gaming business in Russia for cooperation

Altay region: entrepreneurs poised to fight for their rights

He is particularly at a loss about the legislation “On amending Clause 1 of the Altay region law “On gambling tax rates within Altay region”, which ALtay deputies are poised to adopt in the first reading on May 31st.

“They are probably willing to ruin our gaming business. We are expecting a Las Vegas to appear but destroying everything at the initial stage. It is proposed to raise taxes per gamin table, totalizator cash desk or bookmaker`s cash desk up to 125 thousand rubles (at present the rate is 90 thousand rubles – IA REGNUM). But it won`t bring in any additional money. Last year gaming business gave Altay region 207mn rubles of taxes. But, as slot machines will be banned, and only large casinos will be able to maintain a lot of tables, our gaming business will just be coming to naught”, emphasized the representative of Altay gaming business.

In his opinion, these are populist steps. When they decide on gaming business, there is hardly a deputy who is concerned about businessmen`s opinion. The situation was similar, remarks Badulin, in the year 2006 as well, when regional parliament members passed the law “On placement and arranging operations of gambling facilities within Altay region”. Several provisions setting restrictions for placing gaming equipment and banning gambling facilities in some areas turned out to be questionable.

And these provisions were appealed against by gaming business representatives in the RF Supreme Court in February 2006. “I believe decision to introduce maximum gambling tax rates is also questionable. And, should the law be adopted, we will most likely appeal against it in court again”, emphasized Evgeniy Badulin.


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