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Gaming Business Association asks everybody concerned with maintaining of civilized gaming business in Russia for cooperation

Moscow needs civilized entertainment centers!

Deputy Mayor on foreign economic relations Iosif Ordzhonikidze declared that gaming activity in Moscow should comply with the federal law on gaming activity.

According to him, 1900 gaming points were closed in Moscow after the law had been passed in 2006. Ordzhonikidze also noted that tax revenues to the city budget did not reduce; on the contrary they increased by 3%, even though 2billion rubles loss was forecasted. It means that those gaming companies, which withdrew from market, had not paid taxes. At present 890 gaming points remain open in Moscow, out of them 49 are casinos and the rest are slot halls. Out of 890 gaming facilities 22 casinos and 322 slot halls meet the requirements of the law. The rest of the gaming businesses should be closed by July 1, 2007.

According to Ordzhonikidze it is estimated that Moscow budget will lose 1.5bn of taxes after July 1, 2007 due to closure of gaming facilities. Tax proceeds from gaming companies equaled to about 6 billion rubles before the law was passed. After July 1, 2009 gaming facilities will be located only in special gaming zones and budget losses may reach 9 billion rubles.

Ordzhonikidze believes that if 4 gaming zones in Russia are created, the Far Eastern zone will have the best prospects, just because as he worded: “The Chinese will build this zone for themselves”. Ordzhonikidze has strong doubts that many people “will be anxious to go to Rostov steppes with suitcases full of cash and then undergo return journey” Ordzhonikidze also noted that Moscow investors did not express any wish to develop these gaming zones.

Deputy Mayor believes casinos which exist in Moscow “don`t annoy anyone; its slot machines on the streets that are so annoying” Ordzhonikidze stressed that “minors can`t enter these casinos. We need civilized entertainment centers for such city as Moscow, particularly in the center of Moscow”.


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