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Gaming Business Association asks everybody concerned with maintaining of civilized gaming business in Russia for cooperation

The Altay speaker: “It is incorrect to see only the negative in gaming business”

In their attitude to making an “Altay Las Vegas” within the territory of the region, the Altay population is divided into two categories: some see the benefits of it, others suppose that the zone will contribute to the criminal environment. Alexander Nazarchuk, the Chairman of Altay Regional Assembly of People`s Deputies, expressed his viewpoint on the issue which may be briefly described as “we should fight negative affects in our lives together and take every opportunity to enliven the economic and social life of the region”, reports an IA REGNUM correspondent.

“I take the gambling law adopted in Russia by the President`s initiative very seriously and can not doubt the fact that it will be implemented. It is incorrect to see only the negative in gaming business and watch processes in our society which interfere with people`s lives. We might just be sitting and waiting for someone to dole out money to us. There is no oil and no gas, let us think seriously how we can create new jobs and increase budget revenues. And it depends on us whether there will be a hotbed of negative affects”, the Altay speaker believes.

As IA REGNUM has previously informed, the gaming zone will be placed in the neighbourhood of Solonovka village (Smolenski district). There must be a complex of casinos, hotels, restaurants and amenities. The overall capacity is to be about 5 thousand people.


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