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Erschienen ist das Buch über die Geschichte der Geschicklichkeits-und Glücksspiele in der UdSSR ->
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Gaming Business Association asks everybody concerned with maintaining of civilized gaming business in Russia for cooperation

Altay authorities estimated way to “Siberian Las Vegas” to cost 14 million rubles

The Altay regional administration announced a tender for building a motorway “Biysk – Gaming Business Centre”. The initial price for the right to enter a state works contract is estimated to be 14 million rubles. The project was requested by Federal State Administration “Altayavtodor”.

The tender will be concluded on May 7th, 2007. The documents on conditions are planned to be developed by November 2007. On the whole the regional authorities are hoping to get 13 billion rubles from the federal budget for “Siberian Las Vegas”. This amount includes costs for creating the gaming zone infrastructure. It will occupy the territory from 50 to 100 square kilometers. By 2009 it is planned to lead the federal motorway of the 1st category, gas and power lines to the gaming zone.

The work on building casinos and ancillary entertainment facilities and hotels will start in 2009. Project, construction, road and power supply enterprises of Altay region will be involved in setting up the zone, which will create additional job opportunities.

It is curious that the final point of the road is not indicated in the contract, though it is well-known that the gaming zone will be placed in the neighbourhood of Solonovka village. Real estate prices there have already raised several times, and abandoned houses are being bought up by comers form Novosibirsk, Tomsk and Moscow. Whereas a village house used to cost about 100 thousand rubles, now the price reaches 400 thousand.

Source: IA “Tatarinform”

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