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Gaming Business Association asks everybody concerned with maintaining of civilized gaming business in Russia for cooperation

Two gaming companies in Saint-Petersburg volunteered to stop their operations

In the Prosecution Office of Moscow district in Saint Petersburg, there was a joint meeting of prosecution and administration authorities related to the inspection of gaming business institutions which had taken place in November and December. The heads of those gaming business institutions where the inspection had revealed infringements were invited to the meeting.

From the eight invited, representatives of only one institution – “ROST” OJSC – failed to come, and it is the institution with the most operational infringements, informed the Press Service of the district administration. The most wide-spread law offences in the operations of institutions the activities of which were discussed are as follows: the area occupied is really less than the allowed minimum (80 square metres), the entrance to gaming floors is less than 50 metres away from public transport stops or other socially important locations determined by the law. The institutions were not included in the address list of gaming business facilities which are allowed to exercise relevant operations. For their infringements, they had been given warnings more than once; they had been fined (“TAKE” CJSC, “Phaeton” CJSC). There are court proceedings on the results of Rospotrebsoyuz inspection (“Marilen” Ltd), a court examination on no-purpose exploitation of the “Vulkan” CJSC premises (they are intended for sales purposes according to the agreement with State Property Management Committee).

As a result of talks arranged with gaming business representatives, two of them volunteered to stop their operations (“ TAKE” CJSC, “Phaeton” CJSC), three stated that they would suspend their operations until all the issues are solved in compliance with the legislation (“Igra” Ltd. – “Aurora” casino, “Onega” Ltd., “Aladdin” Ltd.). Representatives of “Marilen” Ltd. and “Vulcan” CJSC said that they were not authorized to make decisions but promised to inform their management about the opinion of prosecution and administration authorities that their activities had been illegal and must be stopped. Together with the other people invited, they received prosecution office instructions according to which their operations must be ceased as illegal. “ROST” OJSC management was called to the prosecution office by a subpoena. Should they fail to come, legal proceedings will be instituted due to the administrative breach.

IMA-Press Saint Petersburg

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