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Gaming Business Association asks everybody concerned with maintaining of civilized gaming business in Russia for cooperation

Gaming business tax rate in Tomsk to be increased

Starting from 2007, Tomsk casino owners will have to pay up to 125 thousand rubles per gaming table. The legislation providing the dramatic growth of rates has been developed on the instructions of the conciliatory commission to revise the budget for 2007.

Regional deputies believe that the tax load for this kind of business is unwarrantedly little compared to other regions – in Altai one gaming table “costs” 90 thousand, in Omsk, Kemerovo and Krasnoyarsk regions – 80 thousand, in Novosibirsk region – 125 thousand, the maximum allowed by the federal law.

So far in Tomsk region casino owners have been paying only 50 thousand. At the session of the Regional Duma Budget and Finance Committee the lawmakers suggested increasing the rate to 65 thousand. The profit for the budget in this event was estimated as 8 million 280 thousand rubles. However, the deputies considered this increase to be too little.

The administration testimony that, if the tax rate raises dramatically, the number of tables and thus the tax comings to the budget may reduce, did not impress the deputies.

- You are searching in the wrong place, objected one of the Committee members.

Opinions on the rate amount turned to be different. So, two proposals were put to the vote: 125 and 90 thousand rubles. With a small outvote, the advocates of the more radical action won. Now the final word belongs to the Duma session.


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