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Erschienen ist das Buch über die Geschichte der Geschicklichkeits-und Glücksspiele in der UdSSR ->
Ukazała się książka o historii gier komercyjnych i hazardowych w ZSRR ->
Azardul în Uniunea Sovietică ->
L’histoire des jeux d’hasard à l’époque de l’Union Soviétique est enfin publiée! ->
New book about gambling, lottery and cards in the USSR ->
Gambling and lotteries in the USSR ->
Clearly Focused on the Future – 2nd Balkan Entertainment & Gaming Expo ->
Poker league faces closure ->
Russian official wants to crack down on online gambling ->
The Opening of Storm International’s X.O. Casino in Bishkek ->

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Gaming Business Association asks everybody concerned with maintaining of civilized gaming business in Russia for cooperation

We’ll go on playing!

At its yesterday’s session, the Legality, Regulation and Deputy Ethics Committee of the State Council decided to submit amendments for the federal legislation “On state regulation of activities involved in gambling organization and arrangement” adopted by the RF State Duma in the first reading. The matter is that the federal law coming into effect, it will lead to changes in the gaming operations in the RF constituent territories. Due to this, there is a need to keep the effect of the laws of the RF constituent territories, which set requirements for the operations of gaming facilities, as far as it concerns placing gaming facilities on their areas, different from those provided by the federal legislation, until its regulations become valid. One of the amendments by Tatarstan parliament members says that “laws and other regulations of the RF constituent territories, valid at the moment the present federal law comes into effect and setting additional requirements for placing gaming facilities on the areas of the relevant RF constituent territories, will be applied till December 31st, 2008”. It is planned that the amendments prepared by the State Council of Tatarstan Republic will be presented at the RF State Duma session by the RF State Duma deputy Marat Magdeev.

the “Commersant” (Kazan)

ADIB’s news

Moscow's Casinos Go All-InOn Poker ->
Nella monografia affrontate evoluzioni storiche e attuale quadro normativo dei paesi dell'ex Unione Sovietica ->
A Bet on the President ->
Interview at MyCasCom with Evgeny Kovtun. ->
The first English-language edition of Evgeny Kovtun’s book “Legal regulation of gambling in former USSR countries” ->
Igor Ballo: Law is always better than lawlessness ->

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