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Gaming Business Association asks everybody concerned with maintaining of civilized gaming business in Russia for cooperation

The requirements for gaming business in Moscow region have been made even tougher

At the session of Moscow regional Duma on December 27th they passed the amendments to the law toughening the requirements to gaming business operating in Moscow region.

Let us remind you the essence of the problem. In 2006 two laws were passed: the first – on placing gaming business objects within the territory of the region, and the second – on administrative liability for failure to comply with the requirements for placing gaming business objects within the territory of Moscow region.

The Moscow region law “On placing gaming business objects within the territory of Moscow region” passed in Jaunary 2006 determined the procedure of placing gaming business objects within the territory of the region, the number of which was about 32 thousand when the law was adopted.

The law banned placing gaming business objects in residential houses, premises of state authorities, education and medicine institutions. It provided for the minimal distances for gaming business objects to be placed at from the above-mentioned facilities.

Pavel Grudinin, deputy head of Economic Policy Committee, said that in the process of the law implementation it was found out that the major rejection of the population referred to slot machine parlours. To reduce the number of slot machine parlours, it was decided to toughen requirements for them. The amendments to the law “On placing gaming business objects within the territory of Moscow region” were passed at the session of Moscow regional Duma on December 27th, 2006.

As the reporter of REGIONS.RU was informed in the press service of Moscow regional Duma, according to the adopted amendments, the distance from gaming business objects to medicine, education, cult, culture and sport institutions was enlarged from 200 to 400 metres. By the way, there are no such restrictions in the federal law.

The requirements for the area needed to open a slot machine parlour were also changed. It used to be 80 and now it is 200 square metres, which is twice more than the area required by the federal law.

Besides, the regional parliament members decided to ban placing gaming business objects outside special zones as soon as from January 1st, 2008. Under the federal law, it will happen a year later – in 2009.


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