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Gaming Business Association asks everybody concerned with maintaining of civilized gaming business in Russia for cooperation

Gaming business leaving it, Vologda region will lose large investments, businessmen believe

Gambling operators are displeased with the ban for gambling organization and arrangement in the region. Let us remind you that the corresponding law has been passed by deputies of the regional parliament. It prohibits any operations of gambling facilities in the region from January 1st, 2008.

It should be emphasized that the federal law banning gaming business everywhere except the four special zones will come into effect from July 1st, 2009. Gambling operators believe that Vologda deputies are running ahead activating their prohibition a year and a half earlier.

Besides, one more federal law coming into effect from July 1st, 2007, will toughly restrict casino operations. A gambling operator of Vologda region, Maxim Babochkin says: “It is not quite clear why they need to ride before the hounds. From July 1st, 2007, a number of the toughest requirements will be produced. Gambling facilities will leave residential buildings and all social and cultural constructions. They will be placed in capital separated buildings which can not be neighbouring the venues of state authorities and even sharing the same land plot with them. Only corporations having net assets in the amount of 600mln rubles will remain, and there are few of them. And under the federal law we beg to give us a chance to transform our business into other areas”.

Meanwhile Maxim Babochkin assumes that all major gaming corporations will just leave Vologda region in the nearest future. And it means that the region will lose essential investments in economics, employment opportunities and taxes a year and a half earlier. But it did not confuse the deputies, and the law was passed the other day.

Source: Vologda Regional News

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