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Erschienen ist das Buch über die Geschichte der Geschicklichkeits-und Glücksspiele in der UdSSR ->
Ukazała się książka o historii gier komercyjnych i hazardowych w ZSRR ->
Azardul în Uniunea Sovietică ->
L’histoire des jeux d’hasard à l’époque de l’Union Soviétique est enfin publiée! ->
New book about gambling, lottery and cards in the USSR ->
Gambling and lotteries in the USSR ->
Clearly Focused on the Future – 2nd Balkan Entertainment & Gaming Expo ->
Poker league faces closure ->
Russian official wants to crack down on online gambling ->
The Opening of Storm International’s X.O. Casino in Bishkek ->

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Gaming Business Association asks everybody concerned with maintaining of civilized gaming business in Russia for cooperation

Real estate price raised 10 times in the area of Krasnodar Las Vegas

The cost of land in the area of the southern gaming zone, which is to be placed on the Azov Sea coast, has gone up dramatically , according to the ‘Vedomosti”. While one could buy a house in a village next to the planned zone for 40-50 thousand rubles before, now the prices have raised 10 times, and land price – 3-4 times.

The gaming zone on the border between Rostov and Krasnodar regions is supposed to cover the area of one thousand hectares, and its construction will cost about $3bn. The regional authorities will sign the agreement, which precisely specifies the location and the size of the zone, as well as the amount of investments, in the middle of February.

According to Governors’ plans, investments in the zone infrastructure only will take 60bn rubles. By 2010 the private business will have invested $2.5bn in it, and the state - $0.5bn. In the neighbourhood of the “southern Las Vegas” there will be a railway, power transmission lines, gas supply. It is also planned to build an aerodrome for minor aviation planes.

A similar dynamics of prices could be observed in the village of Solonovka, placed several kilometers away from Altay gaming zone. The prices for houses raised 4 times there, from 100 to 400 thousand rubles. Within the first couple of days of the year 2007, the regional administration received 60 applications for allocation of land plots for cottages and tourist centres.


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Moscow's Casinos Go All-InOn Poker ->
Nella monografia affrontate evoluzioni storiche e attuale quadro normativo dei paesi dell'ex Unione Sovietica ->
A Bet on the President ->
Interview at MyCasCom with Evgeny Kovtun. ->
The first English-language edition of Evgeny Kovtun’s book “Legal regulation of gambling in former USSR countries” ->
Igor Ballo: Law is always better than lawlessness ->

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