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Erschienen ist das Buch über die Geschichte der Geschicklichkeits-und Glücksspiele in der UdSSR ->
Ukazała się książka o historii gier komercyjnych i hazardowych w ZSRR ->
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New book about gambling, lottery and cards in the USSR ->
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Gaming Business Association asks everybody concerned with maintaining of civilized gaming business in Russia for cooperation

ADIB Preference Cup was held in Moscow

An ADIB, FPClub Games and Russian League of Intellectual Games held an ADIB Preference Cup in the context of the Russian Open Preference Championship which took place on September 17-18 at Izmailovo hotel.

The tournament took place in the VIP-hall of a casino "Admiral". Tournament passed in two stages. A famous writer-satirist Arcadiy Arkanov, a president of ADIB Igor Ballo and a president of Russian League of Intellectual Games Dmitriy Lesnoy and a chief executive of ADIB Valeriy Milov reached a final.

In the course of a final game Igor Ballo took the lead by playing several successful parties. However after unsuccessfully played misere on which the president of ADIB has received 3 tricks he took only the third place. As a result of the intense game the judge of competitions Evgenie Kovtun (the editor-in-chief of a magazine “World of Games "), has fixed Arcadiy Arkanova's victory who outstripped Dmitry Lesnogo only on 12 whists. In the consolatory ending the victory was gained by a famous auctioneer Arseny Lobanov.

After official rewarding of l winners Igor Ballo handed certificates of honorary membership of ADIB to all the participants. It is interesting, that the guests of ADIB Cup Australians Keith "Bendigo" Sloan and Steven Cook which are the world famous organizers of tournaments on poker also became honorary members of Association that made them inexpressibly glad. Igor Ballo appreciated the organization of the action at a high value and heartily thanked a Club of Intellectual Games FPClub for the help in carrying the tournament out which organizers promised to make regular. In conclusion Igor Ballo suggested to organize the international tournament on preference in 2006 and to lead it in Egypt, in a casino "Balloo". The Participants

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Moscow's Casinos Go All-InOn Poker ->
Nella monografia affrontate evoluzioni storiche e attuale quadro normativo dei paesi dell'ex Unione Sovietica ->
A Bet on the President ->
Interview at MyCasCom with Evgeny Kovtun. ->
The first English-language edition of Evgeny Kovtun’s book “Legal regulation of gambling in former USSR countries” ->
Igor Ballo: Law is always better than lawlessness ->

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ADIB (Gaming Business Association)
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